Bowra Bird List
Apostlebird - Struthidea cinereaTemporary post to get all the birds I saw at Bowra into my life list.
Australasian Grebe
Australian Magpie
Australian Raven
Australian Ringneck
Australian Wood Duck
Black Kite
Black-breasted Buzzard
Black-faced Woodswallow
Black-fronted Dotterel
Blue Bonnet
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Bourke’s Parrot
Brown Treecreeper
Chestnut-crowned babbler
Common Bronzewing
Crested Bellbird
Crested Pigeon
Grey Butcherbird
Grey Shrike-thrush
Grey-Crowned Babbler
Hoary-Headed Grebe
Hooded Robin
Jacky Winter
Major Mitchell Cockatoo
Masked Lapwing
Mulga Parrot
Pacific Black Duck
Peaceful Dove
Red-capped Robin
Red-rumped Parrot
Red-winged Parrot
Restless Flycatcher
Singing Honeyeater
Southern Whiteface
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Splendid Fairy-wren
Spotted Bowerbird
Striped Honeyeater
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Welcome Swallow
Whistling Kite
White-faced Heron
White-headed Stilt
White-necked Heron
White-plumed Honeyeater
White-winged Chough
Willie Wagtail
Yellow Thornbill
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Yellow-throated Miner
Zebra Finch