Comb-crested Jacana
These always look so amazingly awkward, with their huge spidery feet, and they’re always against such a busy background, but I hope I finally have better photos. I’m sure my previous Jacanas are tagged...
Crakes, Rails, Jacanas, Swamphen, Moorhen, Coots, Cormorant, Darter
These always look so amazingly awkward, with their huge spidery feet, and they’re always against such a busy background, but I hope I finally have better photos. I’m sure my previous Jacanas are tagged...
I just love the colour of these birds, and the standing up one – showing off or what!?
I’ve seen lots of cormorants, so I was a bit surprised to find that this was a new bird for my list! I maybe have seen, and even photographed a Little Black Cormorant before,...
While this pelican was performing, and was “part of the collection”, he was not caged, nor tethered.
Absolutely awful photo of an amazing bird – sometimes called the Jesus bird, because it “walks on water”. The feet are incredible! Better photos in this post.
This bird was a delight to watch. He caught and lost this fish at least three times before finally eating it. Makes you wonder if it was just clumsy, or if it was having...