Australian Reed-warbler

These photos are absolutely atrocious, and I’m not even going to tell you where to find the bird in them. It was such a gorgeous little bird, brown on the back, and yellowish on...

Comb-crested Jacana

These always look so amazingly awkward, with their huge spidery feet, and they’re always against such a busy background, but I hope I finally have better photos. I’m sure my previous Jacanas are tagged...

Little Friarbird

I have seen Little Friarbirds a very long time ago, but until yesterday I didn’t have any photos of one. Now I do 🙂

Brown Gerygone

Brown Gerygone, or Brown Warbler. Gerygones are Australian Warblers. Can you see him? About two thirds of the way to the right, and about a third of the way down.

Superb Fairy-Wren

I was thrilled to get these “family photos”. It wasn’t until I looked at them on my computer that I realised I had actually captured five birds, not the four I thought I had!

Comb-crested Jacana

Absolutely awful photo of an amazing bird – sometimes called the Jesus bird, because it “walks on water”. The feet are incredible! Better photos in this post.