Squatter Pigeon
Squatter Pigeon - Petrophassa scriptaI’m going to add birds that I have positively identified, but don’t have a photo of. I’ll use other peoples creative commons licensed photos to hold a place until I get a chance to replace them with my own.
We didn’t get a photo, but we did identify it from the field guide within moments of spotting it, so it was fresh in our minds.
It was definitely a pigeon.
It was on the ground, in a quiet area, but still on a road, with houses around. Not suburban though, quite ruralish, actually still on the mountain (Mt Tambourine), but not in a national park.
It had a striped head, light sides, with darker front, and brown back and wings, but not plain brown, the feathers were edged.
It wasn’t a flock bronzewing, wings weren’t plain brown.
It didn’t have lovely colours on the wings, like cresteds, or common bronzewings.
Two of us saw it, and we both picked the same bird from the book.